Before booking your flight, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

How is the flight going?

First you are greeted and signed the flight declaration, then our guides instruct you on what to do during take-off and landing. Then, together with the pilots, you rise to the launch pad, according to your chosen flight time. They put on your flight equipment, the pilot gives you control instructions, a short run and you take off. During the flight you enjoy the feeling of freedom, you can search for your hotel or sing your favorite song. If desired, the pilot can give you a short acrobatic show and then land on the beach. We give away your photos and videos if you purchased them in advance, and that’s it.



I’ve never flown. Do I need any special knowledge?

Since you are paragliding in tandem with an instructor, you do not need any special skills or knowledge.
While completing the documents in the office, our guides provide you with instructions and consistently explain your actions during takeoff and landing. Just before the flight, the pilots give you commands for takeoff, as well as prompts for your actions during the flight and before landing.



It is safe?

Considering that paragliding is an ultralight aviation and extreme (high-risk) sport, injuries do occur. And as in any aviation, the most dangerous moments are takeoff and landing, in paragliding, injuries occur in the vast majority of cases not in the air, but on the ground.
In favorable weather conditions there are no problems in control, but the paraglider is very sensitive to any weather changes. And the point is not so much in the paragliders themselves, but in the thoughtless popularization and insufficient control of this sport, which is why a large number of newly minted pilots, without sufficient experience, begin to provide commercial flight services. And also, some company managements, in the desire to earn more money, allow flights under unfavorable weather conditions.
An unsuccessful flight is only a consequence of a lack of understanding of the seriousness of the event.
Also be wary of those who present paragliding as a fun entertainment event “for tough guys.” Any exit into the sky is a risk. We have the power to minimize it enough to say with confidence: it is safe.



What are the age restrictions for flying?

According to our flight declaration, anyone over 6 years old can take a tandem flight with an instructor.* For children, one parent is required to accompany them to the takeoff area.
*Weight restrictions. Health restrictions.



Are there any weight restrictions?

To fly a paraglider in tandem with an instructor, the minimum passenger weight must be at least 25 kilograms. The maximum permissible weight is 115 kilograms.
Weight restrictions are a condition for the safety of your flight, based on the lifting capacity of the paraglider wing.



Are there any health restrictions?

We recommend that you make a balanced decision about flying if you have diseases such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure, osteoporosis, as well as discomfort associated with the lumbar back, neck, and knees. If you have any of these medical conditions and decide to fly, you must inform the staff and pilot in advance and take the necessary medications before flying.
Pregnant women are not allowed on the flight.



I am a person with special needs, can I fly?

The staff and pilots of our company have experience working with visually impaired, hearing-impaired people, as well as people with certain limitations in independent movement.



Can I feel nauseous during a flight?

It all depends on your vestibular system. Our standard recommendations: do not drink alcohol the day before and before the flight, the last meal is 1.5-2 hours before the flight. If you always get seasick on airplanes, on boats, or when driving on mountain roads and still want to take a flight, take the necessary precautions before flying.



I saw that some passengers were being twisted in the air, I don’t want that.

Acrobatic elements are performed by our pilots at the request of the passenger and exclusively over the sea. If you don’t want to, the pilot will arrange a smooth flight for you.



How should I dress for a flight?

The most important point is to have closed sports shoes. Passengers wearing summer sandals, slippers and other similar footwear are not allowed to the flight.
For the most comfortable flight, you also need sports clothing, depending on the time of year: T-shirt, tank top, shorts, pants, jeans, windbreaker. In winter, if you wish, you can take gloves and a light hat. You can also take sunglasses.



What should I bring with me?

You don’t need any special items for the flight.
You can take your bag with you with the usual things you will need during the day. Our office is equipped with CCTV cameras, so before your flight, you can safely leave your belongings in our office.



How do we get to the start?

The ascent to the take off is carried out by our bus or a passenger car, depending on the number of passengers.



How long will the whole process take from starting at the office to landing?

Under normal weather conditions, stable wind and no queues at the launch site, the entire process will take about 1 hour. Not counting the time it takes to get from the hotel and back.



I saw that everybody was flying with a stick. Can I bring myself my phone or camera?

For safety reasons, the administration and dispatchers prohibit the use of your own camera and, especially, a telephone during the flight. Using your own photo and video recording equipment jeopardizes flight safety, the safety of life and health of people on the ground, as well as the safety of your devices.
Since flight video recording out to capture flight phases with the highest risk of accident, our pilots are equipped with individual GoPro 9 and higher action cameras, and with fall protection equipment.



Do you only accept Euros, or can I pay in another currency?

The main payment currency is the euro. But you can also pay in dollars or Turkish lira according to rate.



Can I pay by card?

Yes, you can pay by card.



I’m from Russia, how can I pay?

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, you can pay for your flight in cash in euros, dollars or Turkish lira. Or by transfer in rubles to a Tinkoff Bank card.



My friends want to go up to the launch pad with me, is this possible?

If there are free seats on the bus, for an additional cost of 10 euros for each person, your friends or relatives can accompany you to the launch site and, after your take-off, return back to the office with our driver.